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Friday, December 22, 2023

Nearly Over...


The year is winding down & it's going as it has before.  Even though I'm fairly removed from the holiday activities & cheer I still notice how much of a trick it is.  People still get built up & then it's not what was expected.  

Still people play along with the charade so they don't bring others down.  Some of us don't handle the pantomime well any more.  We can't hide how crestfallen the situation has left us.   The real question is, what if all of us are just playing a part & no one really has the spirit any longer?  What then?  

Is that what happened?  Did we all look behind the curtain?  I won't say this is the worst Christmas season for me.  None of us are sick & we have no major drama playing out.   Still, this has been a very lackluster season with so little joy & cheer.  Maybe the world choked out all the merriment & mirth. 

I miss the lights & sparkle.  I miss the wonder.  Not so much for the bell-ringers, but I only saw 1 Salvation Army bell-ringer.  They used to everywhere throughout the season.  There's so little brightness, cheer or charity left.  Maybe the season is a tradition past.

There's just another weekend & then the final count of 2023 begins.  There's just the Day & 2 Eves left.  There's another trash day & a few more trips to the store.  I should feel something about this, but I don't really.   

May your year end well & holidays be grand.  Take care.


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