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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Chilly Sunday..


The cold is creeping back in & it's fairly nippy this morning.  It is December after all.   We'll have to leave faucets dripping the next couple of nights & the stove will stay on overnight.  The dripping & heated air can get to you after a while.  We haven't had to do it much so far this year.  But, our cold months are actually January & February.  Sometimes March can actually be as chilly as December.  

Nothing out my windows says it's nearly Christmas.  The sun's shining & I still see green grass.  There aren't any Winter birds about.  Maybe someone has a good feeder out for them nearby.  Each year there's less hummers, dragons & Winter song birds.  Pretty soon all Winter will be is a frigid, yucky brown landscape of mush.  We can't seem to have nice things around here anymore.

May things be brighter & more joyous wherever you may be.  Take care.


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