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Thursday, November 23, 2023

Just Not...


For those celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving.  For everyone else, I hope you have a good day.  I'm not excelling at this holiday.  I tried, but I'm not thankful for much.  I have very little that isn't constantly challenging me & no I am not thankful for that.  I definitely did not need another cat, but I can't find anyone to take it.  Everyday seems to be a little reminder of how little I can actually do for myself or anyone else.  On top of that, people who should be there at least for my roomie, never seem to be when they're needed.   

As if I wasn't already in a crappy place, the town posted this morning, there won't be a trash pick up.  They could've done this anytime during the week.  But they waited until most people already had their trash taken to the curb.  That had to be hauled back.

I'll get the food together, but to hell with being thankful.  To everyone out there that has or would've helped me, thank you.  To everyone else, may you find the same as give.

Happy Food Day, not thankful.  Take care.


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