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Tuesday, November 7, 2023



Until the early 2000s, HIV was basically a death sentence.  When I was diagnosed in 2000, they told me to expect 5 years.  Due to advancements, HIV went from a death sentence to a life sentence.   HIV may not directly cause my death, but it has destroyed the life I had.  It is chronic & constant.   I will never not be +.

Chronic illness is a life sentence, no matter what the diagnosis.  It  is trying, exhausting, limiting & often embarrassing.  For most, the only way out of chronic illness is death.  Not a great option, but a lot of people choose it over living a life chronically ill.

Probably the biggest problem with be chronically ill is dealing with those who aren't.  Especially if your ailment isn't something they can see.  They can't be dealt with & won't react with reason or compassion.  They get angry, indignant & judgy.  They see your condition is an aggression against them.  

I don't have any answers.  You can try support groups.  That didn't work out for me, but it might for you.  The best I can tell you, is if at all possible, avoidance is the best policy.  If you know someone is going to react badly to your situation, don't indulge or humor them.  Don't confront them.  Don't justify yourself.  Just get away ASAP.  Sometimes you have to deal with these people.  All you can do is try to set limits & boundaries. 

There is no good news when it comes to chronic illnesses.  Sometimes, things come along that can help; better meds or therapies.  But you are still enduring a life sentence.


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