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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Adulting Sucks...


Being an adult can be a hassle at any point, even beyond the daily in & outs like work, paying bills & other drudgery.  Folks forget other adults are still people & have feelings that get hurt.  There's no age when you're beyond feeling slighted, deserted or devalued.  I think it's worse as an adult.  We've been taught having our feelings hurt is such childish thing.  It's not.  It never stops & never gets any easier.  We just try to get better at avoiding situations where it can happen.   Unfortunately for some of us, avoidance isn't any option or we ended steering clear of everything & we're left alone.

Then there are the holidays.  Even as a kid they can be stressful & full bad tidings.  As a young adult, when older family is still about is OK.  But then you have more responsibilities & are apt to fare worse in the gift department.  Your gift quota dwindles.  At 1st, it's alright.  You're an adult, you already have a lot of what you need & the rest you can buy anytime.  But the wonder of getting a gift starts to wane.  Then when you're older & families shrink, things get harder & there be no presents or get togethers.  It's just you with no presents, no gatherings & no wonder.  Adulting is a crap gig.

There's little upside to being an adult.  You've got freedom, sort of.  Without a lot of resources, you're going nowhere.  Without others, it's going to be a lonely ride.  Half the experience of journeys, seeing movies, going on rides is sharing the experience & memories with others.  When it's just you, it can still be fun, but it's not the same.

During the last few years, there's been a lot of hurt feelings in our home.  We didn't aim at each other.  Still a lot of things happened that grazed us & left their marks.  Every holiday season, my roomie asks me if I want anything & I can't think of anything.  Maybe it's been too long & I've lost that part of me.  It wouldn't be 1st bit of me to go AWOL.  

Being an adult is exhausting, boring, terrifying & not what we were led to believe.  The world sold us a false promise of liberty & opportunity.  That may be, if you're a rich sociopath, just not for most of us.  I know my adulting experience isn't as bad as others.  I don't have children or parents to tend to.  I can still basically function.  I have most of my needs met.  Still this is a sucky ride & I should never have got on it.

Adults are people & our feelings get hurt.  Half of us still can't see ourselves as adults.  We're looking for the person to take of this crap & then remember it's us.  It truly sucks.


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