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Saturday, November 11, 2023

November Saturday...


Here's another November Saturday & I'm hoping for no drama.  A computer update gave me crap for hours yesterday.  It's resolved.  I'm only somewhat sure of what resolved it.  There's no certainty on that matter. 

Past that, yesterday, was alright.  We got a bit of a surprise.  The neighbors have a for sale sign on their home.  They've only been there 5 years.  But since then they had another kid & went through COVID.  There's a lot of reasons they could be selling.  Including they don't like the house or neighborhood.  I can't even take that personally.  There isn't a lot here & some of the people can get loud at times.

Still it's another change.  I wish the best for them & us.  Hopefully whoever buys it won't be difficult.  The price escalation on that house is nuts.  Since 2010, it has been bought 3 times.  The house belonged to an older gentlemen who had passed.   

The 1st sale went for 16K after the house set empty for years.  The buyer was a slumlord & did halfass reinvations.  The roof & HVAC system he installed were subpar & have had a lot of issues.   After some renters, he sold it an near retirement woman for 96K in 2014.  It made her house poor, so she sold it in 2018 for 103K.  5 years later with the same realtor & no improvements the new owners are asking 160K.  The house & neighborhood are actually in worse shape then when they bought the place.  I think this might be a rough sell.  That's a 10X increase in 13 years.

That's it for now.  It's a Saturday & for now the PC is doing fine.  We might have new neighbors soon.  Not really happy about that.  Glad I wasn't invested in these folks.   

Take care.


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