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Monday, November 6, 2023

WTF Long Dark...


I hate the 1st day after falling back due to the time change.  It was dark before 5:30 & by 7 PM it felt like the longest night of the year.  There's something about the dark this time of the year.  It's just so much more bleak.  There's more haze & cloud cover.  There's few stars shing through, so it's darker. 

Besides the light levels, it messes with my sense of time.  I felt like I'd been up forever last night before I went to bed.  I hadn't, it's just how I react to these fall backs.  Hopefully, I'll adjust to it.  I didn't the last few & my time has been really off.   

I wish they'd just leave it so we have more light later in the day.  I don't care about mornings, half the time they're overcast anyway.  Most people are rushing to school or work, so morning light wouldn't benefit as much as having it later.  But no one asked me.


PS - The time change sucks.

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