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Monday, November 27, 2023

Not Great...


I didn't expect November to be any better than the rest of 2023.  I also didn't expect it to be pecking at me the entire time.  It's been mostly little stuff, but it's been constant. 

I've not been doing that well & every time I try to take a step things happen.  Last night was OK, then the older cat made a break for it again.  The whole time I'm trying to find her, the kitten was following me.  She won't come if he's near me.   Still he was right on me & I got very frustrated with everything.  I'm tired of trying & getting nowhere.

Finally, after my nerves are shot, she shows back up.   Then this morning, the heater in my room starts acting up.  There's another to replace.

Each year past 2016 has gotten worse.  I'm expecting 2024 to be an utter shit storm.  Why wouldn't it be?  It's like nice things happen anymore.  At least ways not around me.


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