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Sunday, September 30, 2018

HIV Endable...

This article & many like it detail the possibility of ending the virus.  There's been talk of this for over a decade.  I have some doubts it's possible.  I have almost certainty there are parties who will never want that to occur.   This article tells the reader that a mere 10 years ago over 45,000 per year were infected with HIV in the US.  Guess what?  With all the advancements we're only down to 40K a year.  That's still a good-sized town being infected annually.  

Most of the articles in this vein focus on the purely medical & pharmaceutical.   They push PrEP & other regimens.  Barely mentioning prevention via education, awareness, testing & condom use.  If you read these articles about ending HIV, they come off more like an advertisement for Truvada than a PSA.  Wonder why? $$$

Is it possible to end HIV in my lifetime?  Most likely.  Will it happen?  I seriously doubt that.  There's too much money in treating the virus as compared to curing it.   That fails to focus on how hard the virus will actually fight to stay alive.  Nature pushes for all things to survive, even viruses.

Yes, HIV could be ended, but I seriously doubt it will.  Take care.


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