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Sunday, September 23, 2018

An Article & More Rain...

Yesterday was a good day, other than waking up early to a month's worth of rain & a bat in the house.  We tried something new & it worked well for us.   When you're chronically ill &/or poor, situations constantly have to be reexamined to find better fitting means for you.  It doesn't always work, but it when it does, it's a pretty good feeling.  You were proactive & found an alternative to an issue.  

The bat hasn't returned, but the rain stayed.  As of now.  We are 2" over the monthly average & if you count back to April, we're about 18" over for the year.  That's a lot, but OK.  The earlier part of the year was dry & the last half of 2017 was very dry.  So, maybe the ground will catch up on it's moisture needs.  Still, this drear is doing a number on me.

This piece is from an Australian paper.   It says how straight men there are having an uptick in HIV rates while most others are going down. Then it's taking months/years for them to get tested & diagnosed.  The main issue seems to be drug use.   The most enlightening part of this piece was this quote.

A survey of just over 1000 Australians showed almost half would behave negatively toward people with HIV. Roughly 60 percent said it would bother them if their roommate was HIV positive.
I have no idea about how the survey was conducted.   But if at all accurate, those statistics are telling.  HIV is very stigmatised in Australia.  Many won't even get tested for the virus.  This could be the beginning a major problem for this country.

That's all for now.  Take care.


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