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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Still Needing The Info...

No citations today.  The topic is easily Googled.   There are a constant flow of articles detailing the failures of the fight against HIV.  Even in the age PrEP & accessible regimens.  

The culprit usually comes down the, "Not me" attitude.  Various reports show 10 - 33% of gay/bi males under 24 haven't been tested for HIV & are horribly ignorant of the virus.  Those that somewhat understand the virus, feel they're not risky enough to  contract it & if they do they can just take meds.  They think it's like having a long term cold.

The untested numbers drop drastically once past the age of 24 & outside the general demographic.   Still, that's a huge number of people ignorant about HIV & untested who are sexually active.   This is not a case for PrEP or treatment as prevention.  This is the very reason why education & prevention are still relevant.  Only by making these young men aware of the situation is there a chance of getting them to practice safer sex behaviors & get tested.  

Take care.


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