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Friday, September 21, 2018

Last Day Of Summer...

Technically, it's like the last 36 hours of Summer.  It doesn't look like Summer at all.  After this last hurrah of a heatwave, today  is dismal & possibly won't warm up into the 80s.  The forecast showed very few 80s in the 10 day.  That could change at any moment.  If it doesn't, yesterday was the last 90+ degree day of the year.  We may be mostly past the 80s.  I hope we don't drop into the serious cold quickly.  If it's going to be Autumn, can't it at least be the season it's supposed to be?   Be Fall, not Winter.

Some changes to out schedule & things we want to do are going to make this weekend to mid-week a busy period for us.  We'll get through it, it'll just take some planning.   Maybe grass mowing is over.  I need to trim up the bushes a little & then we'll mostly be done with the yard stuff for a while.  

Take care.  So long Summer 2018.


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