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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Middish September...

Except for a couple of stragglers, the bills are handled.  The weather has cooled.  Yesterday, we didn't even make it into the 80's.  There may be a 90 or 2 left for us, but that's about it.  Most the forecast temps are in the mid 80's or lower.  A couple of nearby trees are really shedding their leaves.  We have at least 1 more mowing left & towards the end of the month I'll do whatever little shrub trimming I'm going to do.  Even though the equinox is still a week away, Summer is over.  

This morning has been darker.  Soon, I'll need to turn on lights earlier to wake up well.   Sunrise is almost to 7 AM instead somewhere around 6.  That hour makes a huge difference.  The fans are running less.  In other areas Autumn may be a colorful event, but here it's just a gloomy drab-fest of skittering leaves, overcast skies & skeletal trees. Maybe that's why people love decorating for the holidays so much.  They need some color, some sparkle, something distracting from all the blah greyness.

OK neighbors, break out the inflatable pumpkins & suggestive Santas.  Make with the whirlygigs, streamers & flickering lights.   Hit the big box yard stores & buy all the Fall foliage & flowers.  Brighten this place up a bit.

That's it for now.


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