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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Yesterday & Stars...

Not sure why, but yesterday's outing wore me out for most the day.  I went for a dental cleaning.  My dentist has been bought by another corporation & they're sell happy.  My hygienist uncomfortably pitched several products.  None of which my insurance covered & none had been suggested to me before. Other than that, the cleaning went well.

Afterwards, we tried a new-to-us restaurant.  It wasn't awful, but not great.  We'll give it another go to make sure we just didn't order poorly.  We hit a store for a small grocery run. Then we headed home.  By then, it was drizzling & I was spent.

For some time now, I've seen celebrities jumping in on the HIV fight.  Unlike Elizabeth Taylor's involvement.  Most of these other celebs stand on the sidelines, playing it legally, socially & professionally safe.  Where Taylor was in the fight, they seem to be cheering on the sidelines like distracted cheerleaders.  I appreciate the concern. But celebrities who aren't in the fight, shouldn't draw so much attention to themselves & away from HIV.  People leave those things thinking about the star, not the virus.  It makes it harder for professionals to get the exposure & attention they should be given in this war on HIV.

Take care.


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