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Friday, September 14, 2018

Allergy Pills...

I have an uneasy relationship with allergy meds.   I only take them when the allergy levels are soaring & I can barely function.   Still, today is like that & I won't be taking them.

Allergy meds can have a host of side-effects.  Google your specific med to check on those.  Reactions vary between medications.  For me, they range from annoying to borderline side-lining.  If I take allergy meds for more than a day or so, I often experience: 

  • Over drying of my sinuses, throat & eyes
  • Nosebleeds
  • Higher levels of edginess & anxiety
  • Lethargy, fatigue & the general blahs
  • Heightened levels of S.A.D.
  • More diarrhea
  • Blurry vision
  • Heightened heart rate & blood pressure
Unless my allergies are extreme, I avoid taking allergy meds for as long as possible.    My reactions aren't uncommon, but could  be boosted by my HIV status & my other medications.  If you react oddly to allergy medications, you're not alone.


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