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Monday, October 1, 2018

Hello Goodbye Adjustments...

September has ended & it was a strange month.  It got hotter than August.  It also got wet & gloomy.  It was mostly a humid mess.  It wasn't the most pleasant month.   So long September.

October is here & the holiday season is around the corner.  Not sure how I feel about that this year.  We're trying some new approaches to make it through the dark of the year easier.  We'll see how they work.   This week will be busy with bills.  That's OK, after that, those things are mostly handled for the month.

I'd like to address something a little off topic for me,  maintenance.  Maintenance is important, but some people just don't get it.  Including me, sometimes.  Lately, I've been seeing a lot of people ragging on going to chiropractors.  

I don't have access now or I'd go for somethings.  Chiropractors aren't cure-alls.  They provide corrective maintenance, like getting your car aligned.  Where your car is in alignment, it drives better.  Same concept applies to human bodies.

I don't understand how people fail to see that.  So many people & agencies have set out to blacklist chiropractors.  If you have had physical therapy, dental cleanings, vaccines, eye exams/eyewear, check-ups, etc... you've had maintenance.  

So, what's the big deal about going to a chiropractor?  MD's & drug companies don't get money.   If you choose to use a chiropractor, talk to them 1st about what they can & can't do.  What you can expect out of it.  It helps a lot of people without resorting to pain killers.   It's just another form of maintenance for you body, nothing more.  Just remember, many of us wear glasses & they don't cure eye issues.  But, they do allow us to see better.


PS:  October please be a nice & mostly drama free month.

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