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Friday, June 22, 2018

Small Town BS...

My area has no special services for HIV.  No local access to Ryan White, RAIN or anything else.   If you're + & living in rural areas, you're mostly on your own.    You're lucky if people are just not serving you.  Some will hate you & go out of their way to cause you problems.

If my area did have any of these programs, I wouldn't have any hope for them.  They be like every other service program here.  A place for local, "power" people to show their faces & make believe they were decent people.   All the while crippling the program & denigrating those who the services were meant to help.  Every little town has some Faulkneresque blood & is just a gin & tonic away from being the next Peyton Place.

This article tells of a Ryan White program in Tennessee  dealing with the actions of a local do-gooder tyrant.  They gave her a bit of power & she thought she was god.   I bet it was just a joy going to that office for services.  If what's said about this person is true, I wish nothing but horrid things on her.

In a small town, sometimes not having things like these is a blessing.  If you had them, you'd have to use them.  If you did that, you'd have to deal with all the pseudo elite of your area.  They'd give you hell while pretending they were the greatest people ever.  

There's very little better about living in a small town.  That's especially true if you're gay, +, poor, ethnic, female, etc...  Unless you're reasonably well-off & white, small towns can be pretty awful places.


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