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Saturday, June 23, 2018

Article & Yard Stuff...

This article talks about a surge of HIV in the Fresno area.   People aren't communicating well enough to prevent the spread of  HIV.  In this area, the surge is mostly in younger people, teens to twenties.   Even where there is some education on the matter, it's still lacking.  There needs to be a lot more talking about HIV.  This needs to be done in a way so these kids feel involved & potentially at risk.  HIV needs to be brought down to earth, to their home & demystified.  So these people understand this virus could be sitting right next to them & what they can do to protect themselves.

On to yard stuff.  I've seen fire in the sky at night.  The lightning bugs came back 1st.  A couple of days ago, I saw a large, black dragon buzz the porch.  This morning, I was happy to see my 1st hummer of the season.  At this moment, thanks to the clover, shrubs & lilies, there are splashes of white, orange & pink across the yard.    Birds are busy this morning.  Yesterday's mowing & last night's rain have made a feast for them.

Welcome back beautiful fliers, join the butterflies, bees & moths.   I've missed the Hummers, Dragons & Lightning.  It may be silly to some, but they make me smile.  I need that.


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