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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Post Appointment...

Yesterday's appointment went well, nothing new.  There's a bit of an insurance issue lurking with my doctor's office.  I'm not entirely sure of the details or how it might wind up affecting me.  There's the potential for me losing my primary care physician, but there's also the possibility nothing will change.  They just don't know yet.  

I hope I don't lose my PCP.  I've been with him since that disaster of a doctor who nearly killed me with Combivir.  I wound up in the hospital over that.  There's always a chance for improvement through change.  That's seldom the case for me.  It usually goes down hill for me, like with my dentist office.

They probably won't know much until this Fall.  More waiting.  Maybe they'll figure it all out & nothing will notably change.  That so would not be my luck.


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