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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Power Blips & Condoms...

This will be short.  We're having some slight rain which is giving our electricity fits.  We've had several power blips this morning.  I'll do this as fast & brief as possible.

There's been a lot of suggestion about the impact of PrEP usage & the fall of condom  use.  There haven't been any major studies that I've seen yet.  I wonder why?  Might it hurt PrEP sales? No matter what these pharma companies want to tell you, their drug doesn't do anything for any other STI's or pregnancy.   In fact we're seeing a rise in drug resistant forms of other STI's.  Is it related to PrEP?  It could be, but the manufacturers would never want you  to think that.  It could hurt sales.  Eventually this research will be done.  It'll probably come too late, but whose fault will that be?


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