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Monday, June 11, 2018

3 Things...

1st, this article talks about how closeted men are more apt to spread HIV than others.   I've seen this a lot articles lately.  These men often consider themselves straight but still engage in M/M sex.   They aren't open & rarely engage in sex with openly gay men.  They have small pools of partners. If 1 gets infected, the whole group soon will.  Wow, the 1980s are alive & well.

2nd, this hits close to home.  Actually, I used to live in Tahlequah.  According to this piece, the Cherokee Nation hospital has had it's own incidence of medical negligence & HIV scare.  200 patients have been told they need to be tested due a nurse's "mistake".  How often am I going to have to write about these instances?

Finally, on a good note, the yard is getting colorful again.  The wild rose blooms are gone, but the tiger lilies & rose of sharon are blooming.  Soon the crepes will be.  That means the dragons & hummers will be here soon.  We've had a ton of wasp &  a horsefly.   I've seen quite a few lightning bugs at night.  Summer is here folks.


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