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Monday, June 4, 2018

It Feels Like The 90's...

When I started this blog, if I went online & searched the term HIV, especially if I crossed it with current news, I got some great articles.  For the last couple of years, that search has had a very different outcome.  Now, I don't see all the leading treatments, social/educational events & cutting edge technological developments.  No, now, I find results that make me think I've done an internet search in the 1990's.   Very basic things like...
  • What is HIV/AIDS
  • What causes the virus
  • Am I going to die from this
  • How do I find out if I have HIV 
Most of these search hits are about very basic information regarding the illness.  They talk about fear, ignorance & stigma.  They talk about being denied rights for being  a person living with HIV.  These articles are about topics that should've been handled 20 years ago.  Hell, 2 decades ago, they were mostly handled. 

We've slid so far back in our handling of the virus, it's like deja vu.  Sure, the meds are better, but little else is.  Outrage & anger are aimed at + people from all levels of society.  I've seen articles discussing how it's possible that  half of all Gay, Black men may very shortly be +, due to such a fear being outed, that they'd rather risk being HIV+.

Most of the ground, my generation & that before me fought to gain is gone.  I don't think these people have the strength left to do it again.  They did the work.  It's not their fault, others threw it away.


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