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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Not Much...

Nothing much in the articles.  Just clones over meds I've discussed before & someone else being charged with purposely infecting others.  Oh joy.

The cooler weather is gone.  Summer has stuck its hot, sticky head back up.   But, hey it's only June.  By August, people will really be complaining.   We needed all the rain. For about a minute, the yard was flooded about ankle-deep.  Then the yard bubled & drank it down.  Either, it was near bone dry or there's a sinkhole under us.  

My problem with Summer  is motivation.  Once it's hot, I have a hard time deciding to do much of anything.   Whatever I'm going to do, has to be done early or it probably won't get done.  Even eating's a commitment during the Summer, but I could stand to lose weight.

Until tomorrow, try to stay cool.


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