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Saturday, June 2, 2018

June Suckage...

I posted yesterday before we went out.  If I'd waited, it would've been a different post.  I started with a little yard work, nothing big.  It was a little tiring, but not horrible.

The problems started when we went to pay utility bills.  There was a line.  Half of them were in worse physical shape than me.  The others were asshats intent on  making the matter worse.  It wasn't the people running the place's fault the service was slow yesterday morning.  Being a difficult, crapfest didn't make go any faster or better for anyone.  

We got to Walmart.  It was amazingly busy.  Old people, gadflies & obnoxious children.  My Walmart doesn't get the crazy dressed Walmartians. It gets the, "I'm more important than God," asshats.  They're spoiled, indulgent, bratty shits who think they're only people at the store.  They don't know how to shop well & think Walmart is watering hole for social events & gossip.

My feet were so swollen afterwards.  They hurt pretty seriously.  It was difficult to walk for the rest of the day.  My feet cracked more & they're still somewhat sore this morning.   On top of all that, it got really hot & humid.

I'm hoping the 1st of June wasn't an omen of things to come.   It might be though.  I woke just before 7 this morning to what sounded like angry wasps in my room.  There were no wasps.  It was my mow-junkie neighbor weed-eating.  I hate this woman.  Too bad her house hasn't sold yet.  She needs to be elsewhere soon.


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