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Friday, June 29, 2018

More Rising News...

This article details how HIV is on the rise in Florida & the younger people are seemingly disinterested or at least unconcerned.   So many of the advancements that had been made in the fight against HIV have been lost due to the complacency of current generations.   They no longer view HIV/AIDS as a death sentence & have relegated it as just another chronic illness.  The presence of modern medications has left them arrogant & ignorant.  More are being pronounced + & those meds have to come from somewhere.  They have to be paid for by some means.   

HIV was going down.  That is no longer the case.  I don't blame this just on politics.  I also blame corporate greed for making HIV appear as something easy to live with in your life.  I also blame the laissez faire attitudes of the current generations towards HIV.   I guess they need their own AIDS horror stories to get the point.  I just want them to remember that the people of the 80s & 90s did their part.  This isn't our mess.


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