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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Good Bye June...

It's the last of June.  This month has been odd for me.  I'm not sure why.  I've been disconnected from it.   Towards the end, the heat amped up.  I hope that isn't a sign for the remainder of Summer.  Goodbye June.  Thanks for not being difficult.  I really didn't need that.  Until next year.

This article is novel.  It's about a video game designed to
 educate on safe sex for gay & bisexual men.  It's an interesting read.  At least it's a different idea.

The local cats are going away again.  I don't know what that means exactly.  I don't know if they're just hiding during the day.  I'm not seeing them.  They could've moved on or got hurt.  The remaining cats are mostly feral & not really open to interaction.  I can only do so much for them.  A little food & water is usually on my porch. I wish them the best.


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