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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Treatment Adherence...

According to this article, life insurance companies are starting to insure people living with HIV again.   That's because their life expectancy is going back up closer to normal.  However, this is mostly only true of  a certain population; affluent, white males.   

There are at least 1.2 million cases of HIV in the USA.  Less than a third are being treated or maintaining a regimen.  Let the shock & awe begin.

There are numerous factors as to why a person may not adhere to their regimen.  This article refers to them as social determinants.  These affect the person's environment, health, resources & emotional/mental well being.  Some are:

  • Cultural pressures & stigma
  • Economic resources
  • Lack of any resources; food, shelter, etc..
  • Lack of support
  • Being an addict
  • Being in an abusive situation
  • Mental illness

These things hit those living on the fringe the hardest.  The poor, some populations of color or ethnicity or just those not in a position to speak for themselves.

There's only 1 real reason to adhere to the meds & regimens,  The person wants to continue living.  For an extremely ill person with little or no resources or support, why would they want to endure that?  What are they fighting for?  Believe me, living with HIV is a fight.  Everyday can be trying in the best of circumstances.  For those in the worst situations, HIV must be utterly overwhelming.  Without support, then why should they bother?  Just to continue existing?  That could really only be said by someone whose never been in a truly awful situation.

For those that don't adhere, they are endangering their own lives & possibly those of others.  But don't shame, chide or ridicule them.  If you care so much, try to help them.  But don't open that can of worms unless you can really handle it.  Stepping into that will be a world most people will never glimpse & will wish they never had.


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