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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

No One Deserves It...

This article discusses how Burt Reynolds while on the British panel talk show, Loose Women, stated he didn't feel sympathy for Charlie Sheen's HIV status.   That's fine.  He doesn't have to care about someone else's health.    But Burt went on to say, Sheen deserved to get HIV, because he misbehaved very badly.

What a crock.  Especially coming from someone like Burt.  He was never known for his safe play & was once accused of being + himself.  No one deserves HIV or any other disease.  Should Sheen have taken less risks & paid more heed to his behavior?  Most likely, considering he wound up HIV +.  But, that's his business, not Reynolds.

It seems Burt Reynolds was merely trying to stir the publicity pot to promote his memoir.  It seems to be a lot of name dropping & self promotion.   Burt continued to make a stink by saying how sorry he felt for Martin Sheen & even stepping into the fray between Angelina Jolie & John Voight.  Any way to get some attention.

I used to be a fan of Reynolds. I haven't seen anything of his in ages & wouldn't consider it after this.   This was not Burt's story & he shouldn't have tried to make it his own.  When I was diagnosed, a former friend did that to me.  He made my health his own personal tragedy.   A person's health is their business, not yours.  You may be affected by it, but it's their story not yours.  Have some tact.  


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