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Sunday, December 6, 2015


Owning up to the actions you take is a sign of being a mature, responsible person.  Allowing people to blame their actions on other things, especially inanimate things, is enabling. The 1st is a good thing, the other isn't,

There's been a trend among people, government leaders, health officials, etc.. to blame other things for people's behavior.   Let's blame drugs/alcohol, let's blame heavy metal & don't forget D&D.  All of these things have been blamed for what society deems illicit behavior.  From rock-n-roll to feminism to environmental activism;  all have been blamed for what others call bad behavior.

In the past few years Craig's List has been blamed for the spread of HIV & STD's.  Now it's dating apps, like Grindr.   Officials in some countries are saying the rise of dating apps is the reason they're seeing a rise in HIV rates among their younger men.  

It may be true, these men are using dating apps to meet up, but Grindr isn't infecting anyone with HIV.  Grindr is merely making it easier for these guys to hook up.  Their risky behavior is what's driving the HIV transmission rates.  Stop blaming things for people's behavior.

These people are old enough to use a dating app.  They could've been taught safer sex behaviors,  They could've been taught to understand the risks of unprotected sex.  But, instead of focusing on education & prevention, some would rather blame an app. 

How  reasonable & adult is that?


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