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Monday, December 7, 2015

Just 3 More Mondays In 2015...

This year is slipping away.  I usually don't care that much or I'm actually kind of happy about it.  This year, I'm finding it a bit odd. I'm not sure why.   This hasn't been that hard of a year in most ways, but in others, it's been very tiring.  I don't think I did much this year.  

Maybe I'm letting the season get to me again. Maybe it's the thyroid thing.  I'm not really down or even anxious.  It's just like there's this little buzz going on in the background.  Like some bad wire or an annoying fly.  It's not harming me or threatening, it's just a pestering thing.

I wish I had the finances to live some place like Hawaii.   I think I'd like the year round temps &  more even light levels.   Maybe all these seasonal things would be less bothersome.  I wouldn't miss the cold or snow.  

This hasn't been a bad season  so far.  For the most part I've done fairly well with it. I just don't really seem to care about it that much.  I'm just finding the matter sort of blah.  I guess blah is better than hating it like I used to.

Here's hoping your season goes well.


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