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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Annoying Morning...

I got a weird call from a CVS pharmacy rep this morning.  She was acting weird & I was getting suspicious of the veracity of her identity.   The call dropped before I could question them further.  

I called back to my normal number & placed my order.  I was informed they hadn't received some refill orders, big surprise.   I asked about the weird phone call, they knew nothing.  I had them check my info & everything seemed in order.  

I called my doctor's office about the refills.  They said the refills had already been called in earlier, but they'd send them again.  Turns out they may have been earlier faxed to another department of CVS.  I'm with the specialty, not the regular pharmacy.  I think they got crossed.

It seems to be handled for now.  I'll know more later.  Hopefully, the order arrives complete.  They've been doing well the past few times.  I guess they're due for a screw-up.  Fingers crossed.


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