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Monday, December 21, 2015

Need For More Testing....

This British article shows HIV testing rates are extremely low, even among those who know they are at a high risk of contracting the virus.   The rates were shown to be comparable to those in the United States.  What does this tell us?  There's not enough testing. 

I stand by my belief, testing should be mandatory & at regular intervals.   This isn't just for HIV.  I think it should be done for any communicable illness in the area; hepatitis, TB, other incurable STI's, etc...

I know this isn't a popular opinion.  But, without testing & treatment, illnesses such as these will only continue to spread.  The health of a community should outrank the sensitivity of an individual.  People have had decades to adjust to the idea of being tested for HIV & have simply refused to do so even for their well being, let alone that of others.

Like I said, I know my opinion isn't popular.


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