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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Not Much...

Have a busy morning ahead & I'm not sure when else I'll feel like blogging.  On that note, I am feeling mostly better.   It rained a lot last night & knocked out our power.  It's back now.  We're expecting big rain totals this weekend.  I'm glad we aren't expected to do anything. 

Texas has decided to emphasize just what an amazingly, idiotic & assholish state it can again.  It has decided not only to cut medicaid funds from Planned Parenthood, but now they're also cutting the contract that allowed Planned Parenthood in Texas to handle HIV matters.

Basically anything dealing with sex in a healthy matter, this stupid state has cut.  Abstinence only is an utter failure.   But, that isn't what they really care about.  All they really care about is throwing their hateful religious beliefs in everyone's faces that don't line up with them.  Say hello to a lot more unwanted pregnancies & HIV cases.   If there weren't some decent people in that state, I'd say torch the place.  Oklahoma needs a wall between it & Texas.  

Sorry about the rant, but this is just ridiculous.


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