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Wednesday, December 9, 2015


The 2016 countdown is on.

  • 13 days until Winter Solstice
  • 15 days to Christmas Eve
  • 16 days until Christmas
  • 22 days until New Years eve
3 weeks & a day is all we have left.  There's Kwanzaa in there & Hanukkah is already underway.  It really seems to have gone by quick this year.

I'm a little anxious over it this time.  I don't know why.  I don't really have the drive for resolutions this year.  I did well with them in 2014, but no so much this year.   

Right now having reasons is sort of like having spoons & I just don't have enough for all that right now.  Maybe that'll change.  It could have something to do with this thyroid issue I may have.  Or it might not.  I'll just have to wait & see.

I hope your holidays & their plans are going well.  I wish you all the best for this season.  Try to be kind to others.  Sometimes that kindness is all some people have.


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