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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Running Out Of Saturdays...

There are just 2 more Saturdays in 2015.   I think I'm ready for it to go now.  I could change my mind about that tomorrow.  Eventually, it won't matter what I think about the passing of 2015.   

I seem to be passed hating the holidays.  Mostly, I'm just fairly indifferent to them these days.  My roomie & I have our traditions & I like them.  But, they have little more in common with the actual holiday celebrations than timing.   I'm good with that.

It's really warm here today.  Yesterday we came close to 80 F.  that isn't supposed to happen in December in Oklahoma.  Things will probably cool off soon. We're expecting some big rain.  It'd be the 1st rain of the month.

We have a get together this evening.  I hope it goes well.  I've not been exactly social these days.  It could be nice, we'll see.  

Until tomorrow.


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