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Sunday, July 5, 2015


This article details how HIV transmission rates in young people ranging from their teens to their late 20's has doubled in Maryland.  After years of reversing course & curbing the spread of HIV. the virus is advancing again among the youngest in the population.    The  same thing is being witnessed across the nation.

Why?  Lack of information regarding HIV.   Lack of a sense of mortality among young people.  The inability of many teens to realistically comprehend risks & to react appropriately.    The very success of the fight against HIV has led to its failure.

The illness is no longer an immediate pronouncement of death.  Instead, its just the end of the life you had.   HIV is seen as a treatable, chronic illness, not the Grim Reaper knocking on your door.   The lack of education to these young people in any meaningful manner has left them vulnerable & in many cases +.

So much for the zero transmission movement.  The unwillingness of the public to educate & remain vigilant on the matter, combined with youthful indiscretion has led to another huge generation of people who will live the rest of their lives, HIV +.

Go Us, 


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