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Wednesday, July 1, 2015


During the Summer I hate the H&H.  The heat & humidity together are a killer.  We took trash out & it was only in the low 90's F, but the humidity was moderate.  That made the walk to the curb feel like hauling the trash a mile through a marsh.

These things are never easy on people.  Especially not on the chronically ill or just out of shape.  Add to that my meds add to my sensitivity to heat & light.  All of that made the walk to the curb fairly nauseating. 

I'm in front of  a fan now & gulping a cold drink.  I'll feel better in a bit.   Still, my stomach is turning flips.  That's life of a poor, + person living in hot, humid Oklahoma during the Summer.  Hell, that's life of anyone living in these parts this time of the year.


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