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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

2 More Decades...

According to this article, people living with HIV can expect to live 2 more decades than what was expected in 2001.   As someone who was diagnosed in 2000, that sounds pretty good.  But is it?

This article goes into a lot of details about the reasons for this increase, mostly better meds.  It also details more than half the people in the world aren't getting the appropriate care.  Still, its a huge gain.

However, if that many more people are living that much longer with HIV, where's the $ coming from?  Who's footing the bill?  This is an astronomical number.  Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about the news.  Still, the economics  of it all will always come into play.

More people living longer with any ailment, generally means more costs.  Someone's paying those costs.  Someone else is gaining financially from this.  Read the article, it's good, but never forget in the end, its always about $.


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