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Wednesday, July 15, 2015


OK, short post.  I did something to my foot.  I woke up Monday & it hurt, but I made it through the day.   It was a little sore yesterday, but seemed on the mend.  This morning, there was some serious pain.  I can walk, but not easily.  My ankle is swollen.   

I don't know what I did to it.   It could be the way I slept.   It doesn't feel quite like gout.  Its not hot enough & I'm not in enough pain.  Maybe, its just building up.  

I have an appointment at my doctor's office this afternoon.  I'll see the new Nurse Practitioner.   Hopefully, I can find out what's going on with my foot.  With any luck, it won't be too serious.  My feet always seem to sabotage my exercise efforts.


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