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Thursday, July 2, 2015


Today I read a few articles.  1 about Russia &  its state sponsored hatred towards HIV & anyone unfortunate enough to have the illness.   As a result, the levels of HIV in Russia are escalating rapidly.    It seems some Russian politicians feel HIV will solve itself by killing everyone with it.   I guess they've forgotten about it spreading.

Another article talked about how over 10,000 people could have been exposed to HIV & other illnesses due to another neglectful dental office.  This time the facilities were in Sydney.   Great, more dental idiocy.  I'm not posting the articles because the point I want to make here is people still won't actively, accurately & honestly deal with HIV.  They won't handle it at a personal level & are even less apt to at a governmental & service level.  

Even with all the advances in HIV treatment over the past decades, some people still act like its the 1980's.  I know we might have the technological know-how to cure HIV in the near future, but it won't happen.  Because some people refuse to face HIV for what it is, a virus.   Its a virus that spreads.  It isn't ideological device or moral punishment.  Until everyone accepts that, HIV isn't going anywhere.


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