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Saturday, July 25, 2015

On The Rise...

I'm not citing an exact article for this, the topic's common.  Over the past several months, I've come across numerous articles about the rise in HIV.  I'm going to limit this post to those concerning the U.S.  They all share some commonalities:

  • Lessened fear of HIV
  • Lessened presence of safe sex education
  • Lessened public availability of free condoms
  • Lessened access to free HIV testing
  • A push for abstinence only education
  • A rise in IV drug use & needle sharing
  • Economic struggles in marginalized communities
I've talked about all this before,  Still, publication after publication cites these things & the rise of HIV transmission rates.  So, what do we push for?  The reverse of all those bullet points would be a start.  Maybe that's being optimistic.  But really, what else is going to help?


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