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Friday, July 17, 2015


Lately, there have been a lot of articles lately addressing people being prosecuted & charged for having sex & failing to inform their partners of their HIV+ status.  Some people convicted are getting some serious jail time.  Good.

Yes, I believe its everyone's  responsibility to keep themselves as safe as possible regarding sex. Condoms should always be used.   But still, there are those situations through force or deception that these efforts can be bypassed by 1 of the parties involved.  

If someone purposely exposes you to HIV, they should be prosecuted.  If some forces you or tampers with your condoms, they should be prosecuted.  If  a person specifically tells their partner they do not have HIV but are +, they should be prosecuted.

Yes, responsibility is necessary, but for both parties.  Not using a condom is stupid.  Failure to disclose being + before engaging in sex, is often & should be criminal.


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