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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Short Again...

Sorry about this, but I have errands to run today & have no idea how long they're going to take.  1 of our big fans is one the verge of dying the last death.  We've get it going for quite a while,  But this 1 is having the same issues as the fan that died last Summer had right before it finally gave up it's little, metallic ghost.   

My little stereo is also dying.  I mainly use it to run my computer audio through.   The CD & cassette parts haven't worked for ages.  I'd just use my PC, but that thing has absolutely no volume.  So, out we go.

Windows 10 is on my PC.  Its retro in a lot of ways.  Some bits remind me of '95 & XP.  Its a little clunky right now.  Hopefully, that'll get better as they put out updates.  The 1st service pack should be out within the year,  That's generally how Microsoft rolls.

That's all for now.  We need to get out & get these errands done, before the heat sets in on us. I don't want to be out in another 100+ F day. Stay comfortable.


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