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Friday, July 31, 2015

So Long July...

There's more research floating about concerning using a cancer treatment medication to fight HIV.  Unlike HIV meds, this drug seems to be able to force HIV reservoirs into the open where normal meds can deal with the virus.  This technique isn't a new idea, its called "Kick & Kill."    I've read about this approach before.  Maybe this time it'll bear fruit.

Yesterday's errands went amazingly well.   We found everything we needed in 1 shot.  Add to that, the 1st store we hit was here in town,  We didn't have to drive to Fort Smith in the heat.  Yeah!!!

It rained yesterday & dropped the temps if only for a night.  Still, it was great.  I slept really well & I needed it.

July's done & I'm happy to see it go.  It started out alright, but then it got very unpleasant.  It got way too hot & stay unseasonably humid.  The month wasn't horrible by any means, but it leaving means we're closer to cooler temps. Until next year, good bye July.


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