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Sunday, July 26, 2015

10 Things Lists...

I came across a 10 things list today.  This 1 was the top things people living with HIV hate to hear.    You see these all the time.  The came in every flavor & I generally hate them all.

People are people & every situation they encounter or endure varies among them.   I read the stupid list of 10 thing people with HIV hate to hear.   As usual, I found the list over generalized,  misinformed & having no methodological system behind it.  These things are just bloggers crap list.

A point it made was, we no longer have drug cocktails & modern medications have few side effects.   Total BS on both points.  Just because you change the term doesn't mean we don't still have drug cocktails.  If so, what the hell is it I take every day?   No side effects?  If this person got by with no side effects then they were 1 seriously lucky SOB.   I constantly deal with issues from my meds & I've been on mine for over a decade.

My point here isn't to bash list makers.    Really, it isn't.  My point here is to get people to understand these lists are some bloggers BS attempts to look intelligent & witty.    Don't freak out if you read 1 of these lists & its completely alien to what you've experienced.  Your experience with HIV will be just that, yours.  You may share many similarities with other's experiences & you may have many differences.  That's life, especially life with HIV.


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