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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day After Ow...

I went to the doctor's yesterday for my foot.  They took pictures & some blood.  The X-rays came back good & if the blood test come back positive, then it'll point towards gout.  I haven't had a real flare up in quite a while.  I've been sure to watch how much of certain foods I eat how often.  Still, we've had a serious uptick in temperature & humidity.  We're hitting mid 80% humidity at night. That's enough to set it off.

For now, my foot's still a bit swollen & pinkish.  It doesn't hurt.  It's just a little tender right beside the ankle. Just goes to show, weather really can screw with your life.  Hopefully, this will pass & not return.  I don't need any repeat performances.


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