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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

ER Testing...

I read an article about a hospital in Dublin, Ireland that will start testing everyone who comes into the ER for HIV & hepatitis.   They have to ask to opt of the testing.  I personally, don't think that should be an option.   Over the testing period, many cases of HIV & various forms of hepatitis were found.  A fair number of those cases were new & unknown.

A lot of people will swear this is an invasion of rights.  I disagree.  This is public health.  At some point, in regards to contagious or communicable illnesses, the greater population's safety has to outweigh the individual's rights.   If only to aid in protecting the health staff & starting treatment for the person.

This will probably stir up a  lot of controversy, but so what.   This virus needs to be dealt with & hiding from it won't help anyone.  This tactic should've been implemented long ago.  Especially, in areas with good healthcare systems,


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