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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Too Little...

According to this article from UNAIDS, at the current rate of global HIV transmission, present levels of HIV aid & prevention won't suffice.  Although, there has been a tremendous amount of improvement in the situation, it simply isn't enough.  The current situation is like a damn ready to burst.   

The cases of HIV are advancing faster than the current resource can accommodate.  The world economic situation is poor, the levels of hostilities in parts of the world are immense & the refusal to handle HIV in a practical, ethical manner is abounding.  In short, this article predicts a dramatic uptick in the spread of HIV as things stand now.

I wonder who they'll blame this time.  There's only so much of this they can blame on gays.  There are only so many Africans.   They can't all be drug users & sex-workers.  Oh, silly me, they'll just blame it on the poor & other societal outcasts.

I don't know what to think about this.  We've pushed for so long, I almost think the world deserves it.  We've pushed back against bigots, ideologues & religious freaks, but still we're here doing the same thing.   It shows what these people really value; their $, their politics, their power & their silly fairy tales.


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