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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Back On A Warm Spell...

We're warming up again, unfortunately the humidity is lingering.  It's no friend on mine.  But Summer is here & so are all the things that come with it.

We've toned down what we're eating to lighter fare & easier to prepare things.   Cooking in the Summer heats up the house & by the time the food's fixed I really don't feel like eating it.  Oh well, I can stand to lose some weight.

 Right now, I'm just You-Tubing through 70's music & seeing what'll pop up next.   I like doing this.  Its sort of like the randomness of old radio without crappy commercials. 

My pharmacy called called yesterday. Allegedly, I'll have my meds next Friday.  We'll see, I"m not holding my breath.

Hope everyone's have a nice day.


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