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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

In With The New...

We had an errands this morning, well my roomie did.  It was a new beginning for her.  Here's hoping for a good outcome.  Beginning new relationships of any kind can be tricky.  The old was taken to the curb just now.  Trash day is upon us again.  I'm glad we took it out when we did, its starting to heat up.

There's a lot of talk about places that have made being gay illegal or basically so & how their HIV levels are on the rise.  They seem perplexed.    Just because you make something illegal doesn't mean everyone stopped doing it.  On top of that, having sex isn't the only way to transmit HIV.

I've recently blogged about 2 small, rural American towns both having problems with communicable diseases, HIV & Hep C.   Neither of these places probably thought of themselves as having a high  gay population & they probably didn't.  What they did have was every other factor promoting a high transmission rate of HIV.

Most the countries around the world actively discriminating against gays or making homosexuality illegal are not in great financial shape.  They're often overly ideological &/or religious.    Often with poor economies & no real means to deal with viruses like HIV & Hep C. 

So let them persecute gays.  Let them set back & think they're safe.  All the while, the poor, risky & disenfranchised will transmit the viruses like wildfire.   Sucks to be them, but what did they really expect?  No god, social status, political affiliation or wishful thinking will protect you from HIV.


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